Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Photo Competition Judge

Monday evening I was the judge for the January photo competition of the Huntsville Photographic Society. Up till 2 years ago, the judge was allowed to mull over his choices by himself, after everyone saw the entire submissions. However, now they have the judge do it 'live' and want to *hear* what is said. Well, I talk to myself a lot, and people in the back couldn't hear me, so I said how it *used to be* and apparently with enough humor that everyone laughed and then I was louder.

There are a lot of people who want to learn and are sponges when told things that will help. Then there are those who only want to be told they did good and make excuses for why they brought what they did, because they didn't have time to work on it. Fortunately, most of the people who wanted to know why I did or didn't choose something were the type who want to learn. Mostly I was able to discuss how it didn't fit the subject of the competition as well as others. (There were a couple of extremely stunning photos which I didn't think fit in the subject.) Some photos could benefit by cropping, to emphasize what the subject is supposed to be.

Apparently I gave more feedback than most judges. Some people remembered a program I gave on portraiture a couple of years ago; some people would like a workshop... Perhaps I will be able to oblige.

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